
is it possible to add icon to ion-option in ion-select? something like

<ion-select  name="type">
        <ion-option value="bar"><ion-icon name="stats"></ion-icon>Bar</ion-option>
        <ion-option value="pie"><ion-icon name="pie"></ion-icon>Pie</ion-option>
I don't know how to solve it either. Help would be appreciated :)Cryptic Pug
I'm having the same issue :(Rubén Cougil

5 Answers


hey you can try this ...

this worked for me .. Check out this site : https://www.alt-codes.net/star_alt_code.php

i used this code : ✰

so my code looks like this :

            <ion-label>Member's Overall Rating</ion-label>
            <ion-select [(ngModel)]="newreport.memberstatus">
            <ion-option value="&#10032;">&#10032;</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="&#10032;&#10032;">&#10032;&#10032;</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;">&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;">&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;">&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;&#10032;</ion-option>

the result is this (screenshot on my phone cause im testing on my phone) :

screenshot of what the results would be like


enter image description here

This worked for me.

using CSS to modify the inner span in the button tag of each option, removing radius and assigning a brackground image

the options keep the same order, and that is why the attribute selector worked for me

    border-radius: 0 !important;
    border: none !important;
    height: 40px !important;
    width: 40px !important;
    background-size: 40px 40px !important;
    background-repeat: no-repeat ;

    [id^="alert-input-"][id$="-0"] .alert-radio-icon{
        background-image: url("../assets/images/menu/flag_ni.png") !important;
     [id^="alert-input-"][id$="-1"] .alert-radio-icon{
        background-image: url("../assets/images/menu/flag_gt.png") !important;
        background-color: transparent !important;

IonIcons in IonSelect:

IonIcon in IonSelect

The ion-select-option only returns strings however, all the Ion-Select technically does is show an interface that looks like a dropdown.

In short, what you can do, is, in this example, create a popover component that appears instead, of the normal dropdown by putting the dropdown in a clickable ion-item, disabling the dropdown, making it look enabled (for UX), clicking the dropdown when ion-item is clicked and then using that reference to open a popover component at that location.

So, there's some considerations I made when doing this:

  1. I didn't want to recreate the dropdown box and icon, I only wanted to change what it displayed

  2. I also wanted the icon to be clickable

Solution I ended up with (note this was also using ReactiveForms):


export interface MenuOptions {
  key: string;
  fn: () => {};

MenuOptions will hold the value to display and the function to run when the button is pressed


constructor(private cd: ChangeDetectorRef){}

menuOptions: MenuOptions[] = [
      key: "Text",
      fn: () =>
        this._showAlert("Select this option if you want to type in values"),
      key: "List",
      fn: () =>
          "Select this option if you want to use a pre-defined list of values"
      key: "Textbox",
      fn: () =>
          "Select this option if you want an area to type a block of text"

// Find location of where popover is to appear and click the element
// which will then trigger the (click) event
onSelectionClick(event: any) {
    let element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('popoverLoc') as HTMLElement;

async openPopover(event: any) {
    const popover = await this.popover.create({
      component: SelectionTypePopoverComponent,
      componentProps: {
        menuOptions: this.menuOptions
      translucent: true,

    await popover.present();

    const {data} = await popover.onWillDismiss();

    // Get return from popover and set selection value

        // If you hardcode the menu options directly in the popover component and pass them back
        // you will need to trigger change detection manually and set array to have 1 value
        // otherwise your dropdown wont appear properly
        // menuOptions: MenuOptions[] =  [{ key: '', fn: () => '' }] 


      <ion-item button (click)="onSelectionClick($event)" detail="false">
        <ion-label class="enableItem">Selection Type</ion-label>
            *ngFor="let option of menuOptions"
            >{{ option.key }}</ion-select-option
  1. Wrap Ion-Label/Ion-Select in a clickable Ion-Item. This is going to be what registers the first click.

  2. Make sure your ion-select is disabled: selectionType: new FormControl({value: '', disabled: true}),

  3. enableItem class to make your Ion-Select look enabled: .enableItem {opacity: 1 !important;}

  4. Set id to mark location of ion-select


  <div *ngFor="let option of menuOptions; let i = index">
    <ion-grid class="ion-no-padding">
      <ion-row class="ion-no-padding">
        <ion-col class="ion-no-padding">
          <ion-item button detail="false" (click)="onSelection(i)">
            <ion-label>{{ option.key }}</ion-label>
        <ion-col class="ion-no-padding" size="2">
          <ion-item class="ion-no-padding">
            <ion-button class="ion-no-padding" fill="clear" (click)="onInfo(i)">

Make sure to set the size of the icon column


onSelection(index: number) {
      selectionType: this.menuOptions[index].key,

onInfo(index: number) {

I've not done testing on physical devices yet but when I do, if this doesn't work, I will update but at the moment, with this pattern I can make whatever I want to appear in a dropdown and still using ionic templating...great power, responsibility and all that.


The best thing I could come up with is using unicode characters as the ion-option content. Like this one: 📊


This isn't supported by Ionic. See comment from Kensodeman on this issue

So I guess it's only possible with some kind of workaround as suggested by Luis.