Hi I'm having quite some issues with integrating a DLL inside my Delphi 2007 application.
i suspect that I'm doing something wrong with the parameters of the calls. At this moment i have 2 issues, but i think they are related to eachother.
1) First call with the DLL: from the .h file:
extern "C" {
__declspec(dllexport) HRESULT Startup(char* version);
This call should initialize the DLL and give me the version back of the DLL. HRESULT should be 0, and the version pointer should contain the version.
My Delphi code:
function Startup(var version: Pchar): HRESULT; cdecl; stdcall; external 'myDLL.dll';
And the actual call:
res : HRESULT;
Name1 : PChar;
test : AnsiString;
buf2: array [0..20] of AnsiChar;
Name1:= @buf2[0];
res := RdmStartup(Name1);
//Here res = 0, but the Name1 stays empty, and the buf2 still contains 0.
But as the result is 0 the call was a success.
Then my second issue: i need to call a function in the DLL that will open a COM port.
The .h:
extern "C" {
__declspec(dllexport) HRESULT Open(HWND hWnd, int Port, DWORD BaudRate, DWORD Interval);
And my Delphi declare:
function Open(hWnd: HWND;Port : integer;BaudRate:LongInt;Interval:LongInt): HRESULT; cdecl; stdcall; external 'myDLL.dll';
and i call this by:
res:= Open(self.Handle,5,115200,500);
And here i'm getting a failure back from the DLL in the res variable. i also have the source of the DLL, and the failure that i'm getting is from the part where the DLL is checking if the parameters are valid, if they are valid it will continue, else return the error i'm currently getting.
The things it is checking:
if(hWnd == NULL)
return false;
if(BaudRate != 2400 && BaudRate != 9600 && BaudRate != 38400 && BaudRate != 115200)
return false;
if(IntervalTimer < 300)
return false;
std::string strPortName = lexical_cast<std::string>( format("COM%d") % Port);
std::string strPortName(lpPortName.c_str());
std::string::size_type loci = strPortName.find("COM");
if( loci == std::string::npos )
return false;
return true;
And one of these above is returning false on my call, because if the result of this function is false, the DLL gives the error i'm currently getting in the results. Does anyone have an idea of what i am doing wrong?
i've tried numerous of combinations for the types in the end i sticked to the conversion i found at: http://www.drbob42.com/delphi/headconv.htm i've also tried different ways of reading the char pointer, but all of them failed.....
So at this stage i know i am succesfully communicating with the DLL as i'm getting different HRESULTs back for the 2 calls, but i suspect my parameters are not working like the should.
I'm using Delphi 2007 and the C++ DLL was build with VS2010.
, since most functions returning aHRESULT
, and in this case, it overrules thecdecl
. You can remove thecdecl
, since it is simply a different calling convention that is not compatible withstdcall
. – Rudy Velthuiscdecl
, hedging your bets? – David Heffernan