
I have a database with a string column that indicates a datetime value with this format: yyyyMMdd.

For example the value 20160908 indicate the 08 of Semptember 2016.

I have two datetimepicker for filter dateFrom and dateTo value. I take the datetime value in my datepicker textbox with this simply code:

DateTime dataFromSel = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDatFrom.Text);
DateTime dataToSel = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDatTo.Text);

My query is:

var query = from c in snd.WineOWines.OrderByDescending(x => x.DDT_DATA)
   select new

If I have a datetime filter i add this code:

if (txtDatDa.Text != "")
    string dataDaSel = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDatDa.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
    int dataDa = Convert.ToInt32(dataDaSel);
    query = query.Where(x => int.Parse(x.DDT_DATA) >= dataDa);

The problem is that i can't to list the query before the filter because i have a lot of rows and if i use this query i can't do an int.parse in the LINQ statement.

How can i write a LINQ statement that select the row in my DB with datetime between from and to, if the value in the column is a string?For now my query works fine, but i need a where clause for this problem.

Thanks to all

LINQ to what? EF6? EF Core? Other?Ivan Stoev
Pls share you query hereThirisangu Ramanathan

2 Answers


If dates have the same format you do not need to cast them to int. You should be able to compare stings and remove the cast...

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDatDa.Text))
    string dataDaSel = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDatDa.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
    var res = query.Where(x => string.Compare(dataDaSel, x.Name) <= 0);

Linq to SQL supports string.Compare(string, string) as described here https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/98180ae0-4ccd-4ecd-89d5-576a04169219/linq-to-entities-with-string-comparison?forum=adodotnetentityframework


You don't have to put int.Parse, you can do a direct string comparison it is going to work ok. Neither you have to convert your dataDaSel into integer.

if (txtDatDa.Text != "")
    string dataDaSel = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDatDa.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
    query = query.Where(x => x.DDT_DATA >= dataDaSel);


"20120201" >= "20120201"   // true
"20120101" >= "20120201"   // false
"20120301" >= "20120201"   // true

As long as you keep format as yyyyMMdd it is going to work ok even with string.