I have a database with a string column that indicates a datetime value with this format: yyyyMMdd.
For example the value 20160908 indicate the 08 of Semptember 2016.
I have two datetimepicker for filter dateFrom and dateTo value. I take the datetime value in my datepicker textbox with this simply code:
DateTime dataFromSel = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDatFrom.Text);
DateTime dataToSel = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDatTo.Text);
My query is:
var query = from c in snd.WineOWines.OrderByDescending(x => x.DDT_DATA)
select new
If I have a datetime filter i add this code:
if (txtDatDa.Text != "")
string dataDaSel = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDatDa.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
int dataDa = Convert.ToInt32(dataDaSel);
query = query.Where(x => int.Parse(x.DDT_DATA) >= dataDa);
The problem is that i can't to list the query before the filter because i have a lot of rows and if i use this query i can't do an int.parse in the LINQ statement.
How can i write a LINQ statement that select the row in my DB with datetime between from and to, if the value in the column is a string?For now my query works fine, but i need a where clause for this problem.
Thanks to all