After researching many topics and different fourms I feel at a loss. I understand the answer may be simple but i'm just not seeing it. So without further ado here is what i have going on.
I have a locally hosted webpage that currently if loaded in Internet Explorer plays audio files (WAV format) through Windows Media Player Plugin. Being that Internet Explorer has been removed from 98% of our computers I am looking to make this page more accessible to the users. Therefore my idea was to code a HTML5 player using the audio tags directly on to the page. Now comes the tricky part. The audio WAV files are being delivered to the user from a database.
I have been able to get the player to load by using the following
<audio controls="controls" id="player" type="audio/wav">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
and then I modified the code on the audio file to
<span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:item.recSegment.tape != null">
<button style="border:0px; background-color: transparent;" onclick="document.getElementById('player').play()"jwcid="@Any" src="ognl:item.recSegment.tape.Url">
<center><img jwcid="@Image" image="asset:play" alt="Play"/></center>
After making these changes I opened up chrome and nothing happened. So then I opened up Firefox and when the button is clicked the player controls goes from paused to playing but does not load the file. So for a final try I loaded up Internet Explorer on a laptop and when the button is clicked the player says "Error:An unkown error occurred".
I feel at a loss here and know it is something simple I am missing. Does anybody have any Ideas?