I'm a teacher, and I frequently need to copy blank grading rubrics, one copy per student in my class. The rubric is a Google Sheet. I cobbled together a script that will (1) access another sheet that contains the class roster, (2) read the students' names off the roster, and (3) create a new spreadsheet for each student and save it with the student's name as the file name. All of that works (it's super slow for some reason, but it works).
Now I'm trying to write the student's name to a cell on that student's copy of the rubric. My idea was to write the student's name to the relevant cell on the original rubric, then save a copy of that under the student's name. But that part doesn't work; the name in the cell does not match the file name. Instead, the name in the cell matches the prior student's name. Here's the code:
function onerubricperstudent(){
//"roster" is the roster spreadsheet. Change the value in quotation marks to whatever your roster's ID is.
var roster = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1SN2x6bKzga6bRwwvt5diuaETBiXeHqY7bLJMY5If9js");
//"sheet" is sheet to be copied
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
//range is the range on the roster sheet containing the student names
var range = roster.getRange('Sheet1!A1:A17');
//do this as many times as there are students in the class
for (var i = 1; i < 18; i++) {
//get the next student name
var studentname = range.getCell(i, 1);
//log the name (for troubleshooting if the script fails)
//Write the student's name to the name cell on the sheet
//Make a copy of the sheet and save it with the student's name
The line that does not work as expected is:
What am I doing wrong?
Note: As a workaround, I added this OnOpen script, which copies the sheet name to the student-name cell when I open the rubric to grade the student's work:
function onOpen() {
var sheetname = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getName();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
This gets the job done, but I'd still like to know what's wrong with the original code.