
I recently wrote my first Google Apps script that makes a copy of a spreadsheet (including all tabs within that spreadsheet) and places it into a specific folder in the user's Drive. The copy is renamed based on a cell value in the original spreadsheet. Here is my script, for reference:

function copyDocument() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); // Get current active spreadsheet.
var id = ss.getId(); // Get current active spreadsheet ID.
var sstocopy = DriveApp.getFileById(id); // Get spreadsheet with DriveApp.
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet(); // Get current active sheet.
var sheet_name = sheet.getRange("B1").getValue(); // Get the value of cell B1, used to name the new spreadsheet.
var folder_name = sheet.getRange("C23").getValue(); // Get the target folder ID.
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folder_name); // Get the ID of the folder where you will place a copy of the spreadsheet.
sstocopy.makeCopy(sheet_name,folder); // Make a copy of the spreadsheet in the destination folder.

This script works, but I have been asked to modify it because the script I wrote is copying over unnecessary tabs and data that is causing confusion to users.

The new script should make a copy of a specific range in a specific sheet, create a new spreadsheet, and paste that range into it. It should also name itself after a cell value in the range.

However, the only method I have come across that specifically copies a sheet into a new spreadsheet is copyTo(spreadsheet). However, the Google Apps Script Guide specifies that "the copied sheet will be named 'Copy of [original name]'" by default.

I want to be able to rename the copied sheet after a specific cell. My question is, can I use copyTo(spreadsheet) and give the new spreadsheet a custom name, based on a cell?


This doesn't look right var folder_name = sheet.getRange("C23").getValue(); // Get the target folder ID. var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folder_name); Seems like you using a name for the folder id and that's not going to work.Cooper
Seems like makeCopy(name,destination) is just what you want.Cooper
makeCopy(name,destination) is ideal because you can actually use it to specify the name of the copied file. However, I do not want to copy the entire spreadsheet. I only want to copy a range of cells, create a new spreadsheet, and rename it what I want. The method I found, copyTo(spreadsheet) accomplishes copying a range to a new spreadsheet, but does not allow me to rename the new file.Mary Kidd
Well, I guess you will have to create your own function thenCooper

2 Answers


You will need to get the data from the specific sheet to copy out to a variable of using:

var sourceSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var sourceData = sourceSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var originalRangeNotation = sourceSheet.getDataRange().getA1Notation();

Then you need to create a new, empty file and make a sheet with the same name

var ssNew = SpreadsheetApp.create("My New File Name");
ssNew.insertSheet('My New Sheet');

Then add the contents from the saved data to the new file. Since the insertSheet makes the new sheet the active one, we use:

var sheetNew = ssNew.getActiveSheet();
var rangeNew = sheet.getRange(originalRangeNotation);

Thanks. I ended up using this in place of sstocopy.makeCopy()
