Controller forwarding - is a great feauture, and I made widget conception with it. But by default it can't dispatch controller of non-self module. To resolve this problem(and also to avoid contoller configuration at all), I added abstaract_factory for controller constructon:
namespace Engine\Mvc\Controller;
use Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractFactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
class Autoloader implements AbstractFactoryInterface
public function canCreateServiceWithName(ServiceLocatorInterface $locator, $name, $requestedName)
return true;
public function createServiceWithName(ServiceLocatorInterface $locator, $name, $requestedName)
$class = ucfirst(str_replace('/', '\\', $requestedName)).'Controller';
if (!class_exists($class)){
return false;
return new $class;
/*In Module class*/
public function getControllerConfig()
return array(
'abstract_factories' => array(
It works fine. But only for invokable controllers - without constructor arguments. When I try to embed controller from module, that i can't change (ZfcUser , installed with composer, for example) - it may fail, because theese controllers can have non invokable init:
/*in zfc-user/module.config.php */
'controllers' => array(
'factories' => array(
'zfcuser' => 'ZfcUser\Factory\Controller\UserControllerFactory',
/*factory for controller*/
class UserControllerFactory implements FactoryInterface
* Create controller
* @param ControllerManager $serviceLocator
* @return UserController
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $controllerManager)
/* @var ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator */
$serviceLocator = $controllerManager->getServiceLocator();
$userService = $serviceLocator->get('zfcuser_user_service');
$registerForm = $serviceLocator->get('zfcuser_register_form');
$loginForm = $serviceLocator->get('zfcuser_login_form');
$options = $serviceLocator->get('zfcuser_module_options');
$controller = new UserController($userService, $options, $registerForm, $loginForm);
return $controller;
Froward in module1 not see UserControllerFactory
of ZfcUser module, it try to construct controller with my abstract_factory, and gives an error, because UserController needs all arguments.
It may resolve by swapping Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\Service\ForwardFactory
- just need to construct Forward with "global" ControllerManager
. But I'm not sure, "global" ControllerManager
is exists in Zend2 .
- Is there global ControllerManager , how can i get it from ServiceManager ?
- Any other ways to dispatch with controller plugin forward non-self module controllers( with constructing controllers by non-self module controller config)?