
In the doc it's said:"By default, the Zend Framework MVC registers an initializer that will inject the ServiceManager instance, which is an implementation of Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface, into any class implementing Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface."

so I tried this:

interface ModelResourceInterface extends ServiceLocatorAwareInterface

interface ServiceModelResourceInterface extends ModelResourceInterface
    public function fetch($uri, $method, $parameters, $options, $encodeType);

namespace Ssports\Model\Resource\Service\Http;

use Ssports\Model\Resource\Service\ServiceModelResourceInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use Zend\Http\Client;
use Zend\Http\Request;
use Ssports\Model\Resource\Service\ConnectionException;

abstract class AbstractHttpServiceModelResource implements ServiceModelResourceInterface

     * @var Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
    protected $serviceLocator;

     * Constructor
    function __construct()

     * Extend Constructor
    public function init()

     * (non-PHPdoc)
     * @see \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface::setServiceLocator()
    public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
        $this->serviceLocator = $serviceLocator;

     * (non-PHPdoc)
     * @see \Ssports\Model\Resource\Service\ServiceModelResourceInterface::fetch()
    public function fetch($uri, $method, $parameters = null, $options = null, $encodeType = null)
        try {
                //something raise \RuntimeException
        } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
            throw new ConnectionException();

     * (non-PHPdoc)
     * @see \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface::getServiceLocator()
    public function getServiceLocator()
        return $this->serviceLocator;

I extend this abstract class with some model resource class, and run it, and an exception throw to say that I'm calling get on a non-object.

Seem that the service manager is not being injected to my abstract class, and the return of getServiceLocator is NULL.

Any thing I missed to make it right?

It's better to only inject the classes that you need instead of the full registry of classes. Right now all i see is a "logger" - inject that logger, not the ServiceManager!Sam

1 Answers


Have you tried to use the service locator trait?

It can be found in \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareTrait

However this requires PHP 5.4 to work...

To use a trait do the following

class Class1
  use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareTrait;

You can access the service locator then, or at least that is how i had to do it when i needed to load the service locator.