
In my Zend\Form\Fieldset AddressFieldset it needs a Zend\Db\TableGateway\AbstractTableGateway BundeslandTable for a \Zend\Form\Element\Select().

So i implement \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManagerAwareInterface in this AddressFieldset and use the init() instead __construct().

And in module.config.php (not only in 'form_elements' tested, also in 'service_manager')

'form_elements' => array(
    'factories' => array(
        'MyFormway\Form\Fieldset\Address' => function($sm) {
            $addressFieldset = new MyFormway\Form\Fieldset\AddressFieldset();
            return $addressFieldset;

In a \Zend\Form\Form's init():

        'type' => 'MyFormway\Form\Fieldset\Address',
        'name' => 'address',

this throws an error:

Zend\Form\FormElementManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for MyFormway\Form\Fieldset\Address

Why is zend unable to fetch an instance of this Fieldset?


'form_elements' => array(
    'factories' => array(
        'MyFormway\Form\Fieldset\Address' => function($formElementManager) {
            die('inna form_elements config');
            $addressFieldset = new \MyFormway\Form\Fieldset\AddressFieldset();
            return $addressFieldset;

Because i have the Zend\Form\FormElementManager i fetch the ServiceLocator ...perhaps dont needed, because all XxxManager extends the Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractPluginManager and this extends ServiceManager. In FormElementManager and also in AbstractPluginManager are no method getServiceManager().

But my problem: the die() is not called plus the error above. Is it a bug? ...i stand for a big wall :(


It works for a Form but not for a Fieldset!!!


1 Answers


Can you do a quick check if the \Invokable is called at all? Some professional die()-debugging will suffice.

Other than that a potential error source would be your injection of the ServiceManager. In the code you provide you're not actually injecting the ServiceLocator but rather the FormElementManager.


Doing it this way is considered Bad-Practice tho. You should only inject the stuff that you actually do need. Given you're injecting the whole manager i assume you're either working with Doctrine or you'll need access to some DB-Data. Do it like this:

'Foo' => function ($formElementManager) {
    $sl = $formElementManager->getServiceManager();
    $fs = new FooFieldset();
    return $fs;

Last little note: when you're adding a Fieldset, you don't need to add 'name' => 'foo' within the $this->add(), since the name of the fieldset will be defined via the Fieldset __construct('name').