Lets say there are N producers and M users which subscribes to these N producers. Here N producer produce N different types of messages e.g
producer1 produces messageType1, producer2 produces messageType2, producer3 produces messageType3, . . . producerN produces messageTypeN.
M users can subscribe to these messages. One user can subscribe to multiple types of messages. E.g.
user1 consumes (messageType1, messageType2, messageType10) user2 consumes (messageType14, messageType5) . . userM consumes (messageType21, messageType22, messageType23, .... messageTypeN)
Users may consume same or distinct message types. My questions is how to design this scenario. It looks like pub sub pattern. For this scenario, do I have to create channels per user in redis. If yes, there is a limitation on number of redis channel one can create (10K). In that case how to handle millions of user? Any help would be appreciated.