I have a dashboard where I have kept all the filters used in the dashboard as global filters and most used filters I have put as context filters
The problem is the time taken to compute filters is about 1-2 minutes,How can I reduce this time taken in computing these filters
I have about 2 Million of extracted data, on Oracle with Tableau 9.3
2 Answers
Adding to Aron's point, you can also use a custom SQL to select only the dimensions and measures which you are going to use for the dashboard. I have worked on big data and it used to take around 5-7 mins to load the dashboard. Finally, ended up using custom sql and removing unnecessary filters and parameters. :)
There are several things you can look at it to guide performance optimization, but the details matter.
Custom SQL can help or hurt performance (more often hurt because it prevents some query optimizations). Context filters can help or hurt depending on user behavior. Extracts usually help, especially when aggregated.
An extremely good place to start is the following white paper by Alan Eldridge http://www.tableau.com/learn/whitepapers/designing-efficient-workbooks