In Tableau is there any way, any settings or configuration changes, that would make the initial load of dashboards on Tableau Server much faster? I have very high performing dashboards that take sometimes minutes to load for the first time someone opens them on Server. This is painful.
We are using Tableau Desktop 9.3 We are facing performance issue in both “Tableau Desktop” and “Tableau Server”. Below is the observation: Source: SQL Server Dataset: 2 SQL views (extracted) Records: 6 Million
Just to give little bit of background on how we built this dashboard. We have pricing data in one dataset and billing data in another dataset. We have created One heat map and two bubble charts showing billing by customer and other two sub categories (All using Billing data) We have created one cross tab to show part price by “Region” with customers (All using Pricing data) We have a created a scatter plot to show Price and Bill together (Data blending) Since we have two different datasets, we have created around 10 parameters for Filters.
After placing all these sheets and parameter controls in one dashboard, we observe that every time we open the dashboard either in Server or Desktop it takes around 60-90 secs to open the initial view, post that its pretty quick even I use multiple filters. However, the moment I reset all the filters it again takes around 60-90 secs to get back to Original View. We just have 6 million records in total combining both the datasets, hence we are clueless about the slow performance and would need your assistance to understand if we are going wrong anywhere. Thanks, G
Thanks, Ganesh