One of the core concepts in DDD is that of an aggregate - essentially an entity or group of entities which can enforce a set of [invariants] in a transactionally consistent manner.
An invariant can be defined as a business rule that must be true at all times, other than during special times, such as while a business transaction is in process.
However, a more specific definition is to look at the invariants of an aggregate - these are the business rules that are enforced at all times - within a single aggregate or operation. This means that the invariant must be enforcable based on the data contained within the aggregate or passed into the aggregate on a command or method arguments.
Once way of describing this is that the invariant is enforced within the consistency boundary of the aggregate. It is called the consistency boundary because by following DDD recommendations and only modifying one aggregate per database commit, data consistency is only guaranteed within that boundary.
See for an excellent article on aggregates and invariants.
Enforcing a unique constraint across the entire system is a common requirement - but if you think about it, it can't possibly be the responsibility of a single aggregate to enforce a unique name constraint because it requires knowledge of all the other instances of the aggregate to check - thus violating the principal of the consistency boundary.
There are a few approaches to tackling such problems:
Accept that the rule may not always be enforced, but that it will always 'eventually' be enforced (a concept known as eventual consistency).
- You can have an event raised by the setting of the name which then triggers the execution of logic to check for duplicates and flag or alert so that the UI can draw the user's attention to items that need attention to correct the duplicate name.
Take a pragmatic approach and identify the most efficient place to enforce such a rule, outside the scope of the aggregate
- e.g. the traditional and highly successful place for enforcing a unique constraint is in the database itself - most RDBMSs permit nominating a unique constraint on a field. Since the unique constraint will be checked within the scope of the database transaction during which the aggregate name is checked, this does give you atomic consistency on this business rule.
- this option is constrained to cases where all your data is in one database - if you have sharded out, you may need to adopt the first option
To be honest, the second option is what I always do for 'universally unique' rules - if they truly are required - and the dataset size is such that I expect a single database. The first step though is to question the assumption that they are required, and examine the user stories associated with the aggregate to understand the real user requirements and what level of eventual consistency they will tolerate.