I need a help with my pagination code (http://plnkr.co/edit/Jv12fcBzm3lvZFqHqDJm?p=preview)
My data is huge (>1000K rows). I want to make request only for visible records (50 rows per page). I request REST service call every time when user change sorting or change page.
In my code I replaced $http.post() by $timeout to simplify example.
.controller('mainCtrl',['Resource', function (service) {
var ctrl = this;
this.rowCollection = [];
this.totalMatched = 0;
this.totalExecutionTime = 0;
this.paginationStart = 0;
this.callServer = function callServer(tableState) {
ctrl.isLoading = true;
var pagination = tableState.pagination;
var start = pagination.start || 0;
var number = pagination.number || 5;
service.getPage(start, number, tableState).then(function (result) {
var tstamp = new Date().getTime();
console.log('Requesting page: '+start+', '+number+','+tstamp);
ctrl.rowCollection = result.data.items;
ctrl.totalMatched = result.data.total;
ctrl.paginationStart = start;
tableState.pagination.numberOfPages = result.numberOfPages;//set the number of pages so the pagination can update
ctrl.isLoading = false;
.factory('Resource', ['$q', '$filter', '$timeout', '$http', function ($q, $filter, $timeout, $http)
function getPage(start, number, params) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$timeout(function () {
data: {total:8000, items:[{message:'foo',messagetime:'2016-01-01'},{message:'foobis',messagetime:'2016-02-02'}]},
numberOfPages: Math.ceil(1000 / number)
}, 1500);
return deferred.promise;
return {
getPage: getPage
What I'm doing wrong? Appreciate for any help.