So I got a smart-table, which gets the data from a REST service and displays it. When I try to add pagination the application show errors in the html code, saying all attributes needed on pagination are not allowed there.
Here is my actual code for the table:
<table id="mytable" st-safe-src="dataSet" st-table="displayed" class="table table-responsive portlet-body panel-body">
<tr >
<th >A COLUMN</th>
<th >A COLUMN</th>
<th >A COLUMN</th>
<th >A COLUMN</th>
<th >A COLUMN</th>
<tbody data-ng-dblclick="scrollTo()">
<tr data-ng-repeat="row in displayed" st-select-row="row" st-select-mode="single" data-ng-click="$parent.setClickedRow($index)" and data-ng-class="{'selected':$index == $parent.selectedRow}">
<td data-ng-click="$parent.selData(row);">{{$index}}</td>
<td data-ng-click="$parent.selData(row);">{{row.asd}}</td>
<td data-ng-click="$parent.selData(row);">{{row.dsa}}</td>
<td data-ng-click="$parent.selData(row);">{{row.qwe}}</td>
<td data-ng-click="$parent.selData(row);">{{row.ewq}}</td>
<td colspan="5" class="text-center">
<div st-pagination="" st-items-by-page="20" st-displayed-pages="7"></div>
attribute on your first<tbody> <tr>
? – kiswa