I have a chatbot in C# that takes the users message, and using LUIS decides what intent the user has. When a specific intent is found it starts a FormFlow. I have been able to successfully fill fields in the form from the users initial message using LUIS entities. However I am stuck on the Date and Time entity. When LUIS provides the entities it sends them as 2 separate entities (builtin.datetime.time & builtin.datetime.time), yet I need these saved under one Form Field (DateTime). How can I have the entity Time AND Date get saved to the DateTime field?
I currently only know how to save only one field (save time and defaults to today's date, or save date and defaults to 12AM).
Here is how I currently save the date entity to my Form field
EntityRecommendation entityDateTime;
result.TryFindEntity("builtin.datetime.date", out entityDateTime);
if (entityDateTime != null)
entities.Add(new EntityRecommendation(type: "DateTime") { Entity = entityDateTime.Entity });