I am using the Microsoft bot framework to create a bot for questioning the user and then understanding the answer. The user is questioned using the FormFlow API in bot framework and answers are retrieved. Here is the code for the formflow:
public enum Genders { none, Male, Female, Other};
public class RegisterPatientForm
[Prompt("What is the patient`s name?")]
public string person_name;
[Prompt("What is the patients gender? {||}")]
public Genders gender;
[Prompt("What is the patients phone number?")]
[Pattern(@"(<Undefined control sequence>\d)?\s*\d{3}(-|\s*)\d{4}")]
public string phone_number;
[Prompt("What is the patients Date of birth?")]
public DateTime DOB;
[Prompt("What is the patients CNIC number?")]
public string cnic;
public static IForm<RegisterPatientForm> BuildForm()
OnCompletionAsyncDelegate<RegisterPatientForm> processHotelsSearch = async (context, state) =>
await context.PostAsync($"Patient {state.person_name} registered");
return new FormBuilder<RegisterPatientForm>()
validate: async (state, value) =>
//code here for calling luis
The user may enter when asked for name :
my name is James Bond
Also the name could be of variable length. I would be better to call luis from here and get the entity(name) for the intent. I am currently not aware on how could i call a luis dialog from the formflow.
may not really be the best solution if you want to do some custom treatments – Nicolas R