I've created a hello world java application on Azure Cloud Services following this tutorial: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/azure-toolkit-for-eclipse-creating-a-hello-world-application/ For a more advanced application, I need to set the JVM command line options. Where can I set these? In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, these are set in Configuration > Software Configuration, but I don't see an equivalent on the Azure portal.
2 Answers
Set the environment variable _JAVA_OPTIONS='-DyourOption= -Danotheroption='
If it is a linux then it would be like
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-DyourOption= -Danotheroption='
EDIT: related to How and where to define an environment variable on azure
@DylanColaco, the solution is that you can define the JVM options as environment variables in the startup.cmd
file of Role instance or in the ServiceDefinition.csdef
file via the Eclipse as below.
As reference, you can refer to the tutorial How to configure and run startup tasks for a cloud service
to know how to set up.