I need to deploy my Java application on Azure Cloud Service. I don't want the extra overhead that comes with managing my own machines using Azure VM, which is an IaaS, nor do I want to use App Service, since the max cores per machine is 4- My application is very compute intensive and I would like to use at least 16 cores per instance, which Azure Cloud Services provides(D5v2 instances).
My build system is Maven and I would like to use something like Codeship to build my .war and deploy it to Azure Cloud services(rather than using the Azure Eclipse SDK to manually Publish to Azure Cloud Services). I've spent hours on the Azure documentation, but haven't found any way of doing this.(Azure App Service has a simple 'upload a war to deploy' model. I dont know why the same isn't there for cloud services: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/web-sites-java-get-started/).