
Why in the following pseudo-code example Child doesn't re-render when Container changes foo.bar?

Container {
  handleEvent() {
    this.props.foo.bar = 123

  render() {
    return <Child bar={this.props.foo.bar} />

Child {
  render() {
    return <div>{this.props.bar}</div>

Even if I call forceUpdate() after modifying the value in Container, Child still shows the old value.

Is this your code? Seems like it's not a valid React codeuser5466293
I think props value should not change in container component instead it should be change in the parent component by setState and that state should be map to the containers propsPiyush Patel
Use spread operator like this <Child bar={...this.props.foo.bar} />Sourav Singh
@AdrianWydmanski and the other 5 people who upvoted: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PseudocodeDavid Newcomb
@PiyushPatel props are updated when a component is re-rendered in-place as the example of pseudo-code shows. Another example of this is with something like using <Route exact path="/user/:email" component={ListUserMessagePage} />, a link on the same page will update the props without creating a new instance and running the usual lifecycle events.David Newcomb

17 Answers


Update the child to have the attribute 'key' equal to the name. The component will re-render every time the key changes.

Child {
  render() {
    return <div key={this.props.bar}>{this.props.bar}</div>

Because children do not rerender if the props of the parent change, but if its STATE changes :)

What you are showing is this: https://facebook.github.io/react/tips/communicate-between-components.html

It will pass data from parent to child through props but there is no rerender logic there.

You need to set some state to the parent then rerender the child on parent change state. This could help. https://facebook.github.io/react/tips/expose-component-functions.html


I had the same problem. This is my solution, I'm not sure that is the good practice, tell me if not:

state = {
  value: this.props.value

componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
  if(prevProps.value !== this.props.value) {
    this.setState({value: this.props.value});

UPD: Now you can do the same thing using React Hooks: (only if component is a function)

const [value, setValue] = useState(propName);
// This will launch only if propName value has chaged.
useEffect(() => { setValue(propName) }, [propName]);

Confirmed, adding a Key works. I went through the docs to try and understand why.

React wants to be efficient when creating child components. It won't render a new component if it's the same as another child, which makes the page load faster.

Adding a Key forces React to render a new component, thus resetting State for that new component.



According to React philosophy component can't change its props. they should be received from the parent and should be immutable. Only parent can change the props of its children.

nice explanation on state vs props

also, read this thread Why can't I update props in react.js?


When create React components from functions and useState.

const [drawerState, setDrawerState] = useState(false);

const toggleDrawer = () => {
      // attempting to trigger re-render

This does not work


This does work (adding key)


You should use setState function. If not, state won't save your change, no matter how you use forceUpdate.

Container {
    handleEvent= () => { // use arrow function
        //this.props.foo.bar = 123
        //You should use setState to set value like this:
        this.setState({foo: {bar: 123}});

    render() {
        return <Child bar={this.state.foo.bar} />
    Child {
        render() {
            return <div>{this.props.bar}</div>

Your code seems not valid. I can not test this code.


Use the setState function. So you could do


inside the handle event method.

Once, the state is updated, it will trigger changes, and re-render will take place.


You should probably make the Child as functional component if it does not maintain any state and simply renders the props and then call it from the parent. Alternative to this is that you can use hooks with the functional component (useState) which will cause stateless component to re-render.

Also you should not alter the propas as they are immutable. Maintain state of the component.

Child = ({bar}) => (bar);
export default function DataTable({ col, row }) {
  const [datatable, setDatatable] = React.useState({});
  useEffect(() => {
      columns: col,
      rows: row,
  /// do any thing else 
  }, [row]);

  return (
      entriesOptions={[5, 20, 25]}

this example use useEffect to change state when props change.


You must have used dynamic component.

In this code snippet we are rendering child component multiple time and also passing key.

  • If we render a component dynamically multiple time then React doesn't render that component until it's key gets changed.

If we change checked by using setState method. It won't be reflected in Child component until we change its key. We have to save that on child's state and then change it to render child accordingly.

class Parent extends Component {
    state = {
        checked: true
    render() {
        return (
            <div className="parent">
                    [1, 2, 3].map(
                        n => <div key={n}>
                            <Child isChecked={this.state.checked} />

I was encountering the same problem. I had a Tooltip component that was receiving showTooltip prop, that I was updating on Parent component based on an if condition, it was getting updated in Parent component but Tooltip component was not rendering.

const Parent = () => {
   let showTooltip = false;
   if(....){ showTooltip = true; }
      <Tooltip showTooltip={showTooltip}></Tooltip>

The mistake I was doing is to declare showTooltip as a let.

I realized what I was doing wrong I was violating the principles of how rendering works, Replacing it with hooks did the job.

const [showTooltip, setShowTooltip] =  React.useState<boolean>(false);

define changed props in mapStateToProps of connect method in child component.

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return {
    chanelList: state.messaging.chanelList,

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ChannelItem);

In my case, channelList's channel is updated so I added chanelList in mapStateToProps


In my case I was updating a loading state that was passed down to a component. Within the Button the props.loading was coming through as expected (switching from false to true) but the ternary that showed a spinner wasn't updating.

I tried adding a key, adding a state that updated with useEffect() etc but none of the other answers worked.

What worked for me was changing this:


To this:

setTimeout(() => { handleOtherCPUHeavyCode() }, 1)

I assume it's because the process in handleOtherCPUHeavyCode is pretty heavy and intensive so the app freezes for a second or so. Adding the 1ms timeout allows the loading boolean to update and then the heavy code function can do it's work.


My case involved having multiple properties on the props object, and the need to re-render the Child on changing any of them. The solutions offered above were working, yet adding a key to each an every one of them became tedious and dirty (imagine having 15...). If anyone is facing this - you might find it useful to stringify the props object:


This way every change on each one of the properties on props triggers a re-render of the Child component.

Hope that helped someone.


You can use componentWillReceiveProps:

componentWillReceiveProps({bar}) {
    this.setState({...this.state, bar})

Credit to Josh Lunsford


install package npm install react-native-uuid or yarn add react-native-uuid

import import uuid from 'react-native-uuid';

use this method for uuid for child will solve rerender issue uuid.v4();