
I am running a proc logistic with selection =score , to get the best model based on chi-square value. Here is the code

  options symbolgen;
  %let input_var=ABC_DEF_CkkkkkedHojjjjjerRen101 dept_gert  home_value   
  child_household ; 

  ods output bestsubsets=score;
  proc logistic data=trail;
  model response(event='Y')=&input_var
  / selection=score best=1;

The output dataset named score has been generated through ods output. Below is the image of the data set.

score data set image

In the score dataset, in the "variables included in model" column, you can only see a part of variable name "ABC_DEF_CkkkkkedHojjjjjerRen101" and not the entire name. May I know why is this happening and how do I get the entire variable name. Please let me know

SAS variable names are 32 length maximum. Are you mixing up labels and variable names?Reeza
The length of the above variable name is 31 characters. No I am not mixing variable labels and namesPruthvi
In the future it helps if you post code we can run. Solution is below.Reeza

1 Answers


Add NAMELEN=32 to your proc logistic statement.