I am estimating a model for firm bankruptcy that involves 11 factors. I have data from 1900 to 2000 and my goal is to estimate my model using proc logistic for the period 1900-1950 and then test its performance on the 1951 through 2000 data. Proc logistic runs fine but the problem I have is that the estimated coefficients have the same name as my factors that I was using in my model. Suppose the dataset that contains all my observations is called myData and the dataset that contains the estimated coefficients which I obtain using an outtest statement (in proc logistic) is called factorEstimates. Now both of these data sets have the variables factor1, factor2, ..., factorN. Now I want to form the dataset outOfSampleResults that does something like the following:
data outOfSampleResults;
set myData factorEstimates;
Where the first mention of factor1 refers to that contained in myData and the second refers to that contained in factorEstimates. How can I inform sas which dataset it should read for this variable that is common to both of the datasets in the set statement? Alternatively, how could I quickly rename factor1, factor2, ..., factorN as factor1Estimate, factor2Estimate, ..., factorNEstimate in the factorEstimates dataset so as to circumvent this common variable name issue altogether?