I'm facing problem intersecting ray with triangle edges. Actually, I'm trying to pick/intersect with triangle, vertex, edge of a mesh using Mouse. So I made ray from the Mouse current position and then I intersect it with the mesh elements like triangle/polygon, vertex, edge etc to work with it. Basically, 3d modeling stuffs. Intersecting with triangle was easy and fun. And the vertex part was tricky.
But now, I don't know how to intersect/pick with triangle edges. I mean how I treat them when intersecting with the Mouse Ray? First I thought they can be treated like a 3D line. But eventually failed to do the Ray and the Line intersect. Searched on the Internet but not found any helpful info. Although I found some open source projects are using OpenGL built-in picking features to pick/intersect with Edge. But in my case, I can't use that. :(
My current edge picking code structure looks like the following:
void pickEdge(Ray ray, Scene scene)
for each object in scene
mesh = getMesh(object)
for each triangle in mesh
for each edge in triangle
v1 = getV1(edge)
v2 = getV2(edge)
// Do intersect with 'ray' and 'v1', 'v2'. But how?
So I'm stuck here and really need some help. Any idea, algorithm or a small help is greatly appreciated.