Step1) I am drawing an image of 1920*1080 to canvas1 with the drawImage(image,0,0);
setp2) Now i am taking another logo image and drawing it to another canvas called canvas2 with the drawImage(logo,0,0);
I used fabricjs to for logo drag able and re sizable functionalities.
Step3) Then i am drawing canvas1 & canvas2 to another canvas called canvas3 and downloading it.
In this case everything is fine except image is displaying large(1920*1080). for user experience I have used image resize method to reduce the image and displayed in 900*500 canvas. But when i am downloding i should get the original canvas of 1920*1080 with logo. But i am getting 900*500 with logo.
Can any one help in this regards will be greatful
The resizing code
Here real width & real Height are width & height of background image
function ImageResize(){
var d_canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var context = d_canvas.getContext('2d');
var background = document.getElementById('background');
var wrh = realWidth / realHeight;
newWidth = d_canvas.width;
newHeight = newWidth / wrh;
if (newHeight > d_canvas.height) {
newHeight = d_canvas.height;
newWidth = newHeight * wrh;
context.drawImage(background,0,0, newWidth , newHeight);