I am using Antrl4 to parse a java like language, where a proprietary query language can be used to write expressions within brackets. Imagine to be inside a Java method, the following line should be allowed:
List<MyObject> items = [SELECT Field1,Field2 FROM MyObject];
The query language should also be allowed in any expressions, so things like
if ([SELECT Field1,Field2 FROM MyObject]!=null) { }
Should also be allowed. My parser needs to define rules with elements from both modes (when in Java-like mode, when in query language mode).
My approach with an island grammar
I am trying to approach this as an island grammar, as described the Definitive Antlr4 reference, however I cannot get it working.
I am structing my lexer grammar as follows
OPEN_QUERY : '[' -> pushMode(INSIDE_QUERY);
JavaIdentifier: JavaLetter JavaLetterOrDigit* ;
// omitting fragments and loads of other lexer tokens for brevity
CLOSE_QUERY : ']' -> popMode ;
SELECT : 'select';
FROM : 'from';
QueryIdentifier: QueryLetter QueryLetterOrDigit*;
// omitting fragments definition for brevity
In my parser parser grammar I am trying to do something like this:
expression: normalExpression | queryExpression;
: '[' SELECT QueryIdentifier FROM QueryIdentifier']'
But this yields to a token recognition error on the first bracket character.
Is there anything wrong with this approach? Can anyone point me to the mistake that I am making?