I'd like to share with you a island solution I had to implement in ANTLR4.
- Structure of the language. The language I had to write the grammar for is derived from PL/SQL with some additional constructs. I won't go into more details here as this is off topic.
The language defines a special command
with the following structure:PUT [<SPECIALISED LANGUAGE>]
My solution was:
Override Lexer's
method:public Token nextToken() { if (f_current_idx != -1) { _input.seek(f_current_idx); f_current_idx = -1; } Token l_token = super.nextToken(); return l_token; }
Add some code in the Lexer:
PUT : 'PUT' { f_current_idx = _input.index(); ((ANTLRStringStream) _input).rewind(); SRC_PUTLexer l_put_lexer = new SRC_PUTLexer(_input); UnbufferedTokenStream<Token> l_tokenStream = new UnbufferedTokenStream<Token>(l_put_lexer); if (l_tokenStream.LA(2) == SRC_PUTLexer.LBRACK) { new SRC_PUTParser(l_tokenStream).start_rule(); f_current_idx = _input.index(); } };
Furthermore the class ANTLRStringStream
which has disappeared in ANTLR 4 had to be defined:
public class ANTLRStringStream extends ANTLRInputStream {
protected int markDepth = 0;
protected int lastMarker;
protected ArrayList<Integer> markers;
public ANTLRStringStream() {
public ANTLRStringStream(String input) {
public int mark() {
if ( markers==null ) { markers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); }
markers.add(markDepth, index()); markDepth++; lastMarker = markDepth;
return markDepth;
public void rewind(int m) {
int state = (int) markers.get(m); seek(state); release(m);
public void rewind() { rewind(lastMarker); }
public void release(int marker) {
markDepth = marker; markDepth--;
Any feedback would be very welcome! Kind regards, Wolfgang Hämmer