It's certainly possible. To begin with, I would put dates under Monday, Tuesday, etc: this simplifies subsequent computations, and is also helpful when reading the data. This would go under "Monday": it returns the Monday of the current workweek:
Here +2 compensates for subtraction when the date is Monday (which is numbered 2). The other days of the week can be obtained by adding 1 to Monday (=A2+1
), or directly by using =today()-weekday(today())+3
and so on.
Then you can pull data from the form sheet using functions such as query
, filter
, vlookup
, ... For example, this formula returns the 3rd column from Form Responses 1 where the date is nearest to the content of A2 (current Monday)
=vlookup(A2, 'Form Responses 1'!A:A, 3)
A possible issue here is that Form Responses record both date and time, so the "nearest" record may be from 11:50pm of previous day. One way to solve this is to use filter
=filter('Form Responses 1'!C:C, floor('Form Responses 1'!A:A) = A2)
This returns all C column entries from the form where the date in the A column matches the content of A2.