I am trying to build a spreadsheet to track and automatically calculate money when I am called out for work.
Here are the conditions:
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Standby Rate: £21
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays - Standby Rate: £26
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Callout Rate: (Hours Worked * Hourly Rate) * 1.25
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays - Callout Rate: (Hours Worked * Hourly Rate) * 1.5
I have a spreadsheet containing the following information:
- Column A - Date | Date
- Column B - Called Out | Checkbox, tick if yes
- Column C - Duration | If called out, how long for
- Column D - Calculation | Shows the calculation used to determine payment
- Column E - Payment | Shows the payment
The sheet looks like this:
| Date | Called Out? | Duration | Calculation | Payment |
| 01/02/2021 | | | 21 | £21 |
| 02/02/2021 | | | 21 | £21 |
| 03/02/2021 | | | 21 | £21 |
| 04/02/2021 | | | 21 | £21 |
| 05/02/2021 | | | 26 | £26 |
| 06/02/2021 | TRUE | 2 | 26+((2*50)*1.5) | £176 |
| 07/02/2021 | TRUE | 1 | 26+((1*50)*1.5) | £101 |
| 15/02/2021 | | | 21 | £21 |
| 16/02/2021 | TRUE | 1.5 | 21+((1.5*50)*1.25) | £177.25 |
| 17/02/2021 | | | 21 | £21 |
| 18/02/2021 | | | 21 | £21 |
| 19/02/2021 | | | 26 | £26 |
| 20/02/2021 | | | 26 | £26 |
| 21/02/2021 | | | 26 | £26 |
I have had some success with the following formula to get the standby rates (K1 contains my actual hourly rate):
But I need to make it account for Bank Holidays and perform a check to see if column B is TRUE, then if it calculates the payment as dictated above.
Any ideas?