I have just noticed that the popups in Leaflet Shiny do not update when any formatting is applied. When i am using:
,popup= paste(sep = "<br/>",
paste(points1$Street,points1$Zone), points1$Reason,
paste(points1$Bay_Type, "-" , points1$Spaces, "Space(s)"),
paste(points1$Start_Date, " TO ", points1$End_Date), points1$Time_Details)
the lines with italics or bold have the same value across the map, while if i skip the em/strong tags every line has correct unique value. All other popup values (not formatted) behave correctly - every label contains what is in the data. Do you happen to know why would it be so? I wanted to format the popups, can live without it, but cannot live with a machine outsmarting me;)