I have a mapbox map at http://bei.dev.bclcmaps.com/ which has popups that open when clicking a marker.
My problem is that I need a way to set a default popup to be open on page load based on a value in the URL. This can be a latitude and longitude or some other value, whatever's easiest.
I have banged on this for a while and it seems like I either need to:
- Programmatically open a popup via the Mapbox JS API, which I can't figure out since it seems that my popups are auto-generated on the fly when a marker is clicked, or
- Programmatically click a marker to open its popup. I can't figure this out because 1) I don't know how to find a marker by lat/lon and 2) I can't figure out how to click a marker with JS.
I've tried this:
map.gridLayer.fire('click', {latLng: L.latLng(28.04419, -81.947864)});
which closes any existing open popups but doesn't seem to open its own. I've also tried digging through the map and the leaflet objects to see if location/marker data is stored in there and I can't find anything besides the tiles.
Most of the examples I can find seem to be using GeoJSON which I'm not using so that makes things difficult.
Any advice?