
I have a mapbox map at http://bei.dev.bclcmaps.com/ which has popups that open when clicking a marker.

My problem is that I need a way to set a default popup to be open on page load based on a value in the URL. This can be a latitude and longitude or some other value, whatever's easiest.

I have banged on this for a while and it seems like I either need to:

  1. Programmatically open a popup via the Mapbox JS API, which I can't figure out since it seems that my popups are auto-generated on the fly when a marker is clicked, or
  2. Programmatically click a marker to open its popup. I can't figure this out because 1) I don't know how to find a marker by lat/lon and 2) I can't figure out how to click a marker with JS.

I've tried this:

map.gridLayer.fire('click', {latLng: L.latLng(28.04419, -81.947864)});

which closes any existing open popups but doesn't seem to open its own. I've also tried digging through the map and the leaflet objects to see if location/marker data is stored in there and I can't find anything besides the tiles.

Most of the examples I can find seem to be using GeoJSON which I'm not using so that makes things difficult.

Any advice?

Could you share some sample code? I've never used Leaflet before, but it can't be any worse than debugging/extending OpenLayers shudder. Maybe this is an easy one for Mapbox/Leaflet expersts, otherwise I'd be happy to take a shot at this with a little more context.natevw

2 Answers

map.fireEvent('click', {latlng: L.latLng(28.04419, -81.947864)});

You were close - the 'click' event needs a latLng object named 'latlng' (lower case)


For mapbox gl you can currently use map.fire('click', [-118.3214,34.0318])

but it may be deprecated in the future https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#0450