I am retrieving a List<String> strings
from my database and i would like to display it in a Flex Table.Also with every row in the flex table i want a delete button.The delete button on click should remove the row from the flex table.
so i write code some thing similar to
for(int i =0 ;i < strings.size();i++) {
flexTable.setWidget(i,1,new Button("X");
Now i am using MVP architecture to write this code.The reason why i am specifying this is i want all the widgets declared in my View and the click handlers to be in my presenter.
Generally if i have Button b = new Button("Sample Button");
in my View
I can have a getter method and use getButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler())
in my presenter.
But here i am creating delete buttons on fly.
So how can i assign a click handler to the delete Button and onClick i should be able to remove the row from the flextTable.