I'm looking for guidance on GWT architecture - when to use self-contained widgets vs MVP/Activities/Places.
Having read the Google docs & scoured Stackoverflow, the gwt-examples project provides the best illustration to this question: http://code.google.com/p/gwt-examples/source/browse/trunk_2012/DemoGwtEditor/src/com/gonevertical/client/?r=3138#client%2Fviews
An application is divided into strongly de-coupled views, each view corresponding to a DOM peer. Activities & places are used to manage logic/RPC & navigation for a given view. Although imprecise, I'll refer to this pattern as MVP for brevity.
Widgets don't conform to this pattern, containing both view and logic/RPC calls.
For the context of this question, I'm thinking of a complex GWT app using a TabLayoutPanel to create separate "screens". Each tab/screen relates broadly to a user activity. Mint.com is a good example of this kind of interface: a dashboard tab, a transactions tab, budgets tab, trends tab, etc. Each tab is built from a number of sub-components: a chart with selectors, a report-selector, a transactions-table, etc.
A sub-component like a transactions table is likely a composite of several GWT natives - e.g. a table with a couple of buttons. Google doco shows this sort of sub-component as being de-composed into MVP.
Assumptions - Widgets vs MVP
Treating the sub-components with MVP means either:
- very large view & activity/presenter classes for each tab or
- nesting MVP & an explosion of files (5 per sub-component)
On the other hand, sub-components as widgets means:
- very light MVP structure just to manage navigation history across tabs; hardly worth it
- no de-coupling (so difficulty with unit testing & switching out views)
- Are these assumptions correct?
- When to use custom, composite widgets over de-coupled views/MVP (or vice-versa)?