
I have following pages

  1. Page1.html
  2. Page2.html
  3. JavaScript.js

My first page makes ajax call on button click and receives response successfully..

I want to load that data in another page (Page2.html)..

  success: function(response){

My div with id of content is on another page(Page2.html)... Note: All my script are in the js file..

How can I perform the above task?

There are 2 things which is creating problem.1) You are redirecting the page and then try to append content, it is not possible...2) You can not set content of page2.html from page1.htmlJayesh Chitroda
any suggestion how to perform thisAjay Mestry
can you show the full ajax request?Jayesh Chitroda
My Html pages are dynamically generatedAjay Mestry
I do not know your set up but curiously, why don't you setup the ajax call in page 2 itself. Do you have any special scenario you are doing it this way??Rohit416

2 Answers


You can use browser local storage which will persist your data on subsequent page visits with no expiration time. It has well support in browsers from IE-8 to all modern browsers so it will work without any hassle.

To store data in you need to access the storage object and set data like this on page1.html.

    success: function (result) {
        localStorage.setItem('MyData', result);

On page2.html, you can retrieve data from localStorage object using the same key (MyData) name we used to set data. You can choose any meaningful name for this.

var data = localStorage.getItem('MyData');
console.log("use data wherever you want...", data);

Solution I: With Jquery,

You need to include Jquery plugin https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie:

$.cookie("data", data);

Solution II: Using Localstorage. [Supported in all modern browsers]

var data = 123;
// Put the var into storage
localStorage.setItem('data', data);

// Retrieve the var from storage
var retrievedData = localStorage.getItem('data');
