
I use the Anaconda suite for python. I do

import pandas as pd

and then


it shows

pandas: 0.17.1

but if I do

!conda list

it shows

pandas 0.18.1

Why are those different ? Why is the imported pandas version less up to date than the one in conda ? Some attributes do not work for me at this stage (like .rolling) which is a great hassle.
I've already tried
conda update pandas
and then restart spyder, but without any luck

Thanks a lot for your help

----EDITS : pd.__file__ returns

Out[16]: 'C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\__init__.py'

sys.executable returns


I've tried sys.path which returns

Out[15]: ['', 'C:\Anaconda3\python35.zip', 'C:\Anaconda3\DLLs',
'C:\Anaconda3\lib', 'C:\Anaconda3',

pd.__version__ returns


It's quite confusing

----------EDIT 2 ----------------
Ok I figures packages where at two places


I manually deleted the first one to see what would happen. then try to import the package : import pandas as pd but it couldn't find it. Trying conda install pandas returns

All requested packages already installed. packages in environment at C:\Anaconda3: pandas 0.18.1 np110py35_0

So I guess it is in this folder that all the conda command go, but import doesn't work. I've tried to add `C:\Anaconda3\pkgs' to the PATH, but with no luck.

Any idea ?

Do you try to restart spyderafter update pandas version ?jezrael
Try pd.__file__ to see where the library is loaded from.Sergey Bushmanov
It looks like you have multiple python instances on your OS, and anaconda is not default one used. You may need to configure your OS to use anaconda by default.root
Depends on which OS you're using. If you search google for something like "add anaconda to path os_name" it should give your better instructions than what I can provide. You may also need to remove the existing python version from the path.root
Also, using the interpreter that has the old version of pandas, try running import sys and check the output of sys.executable to see if it points to the anaconda directory, or some other python executable.root

2 Answers


Eventually, fiddling with all the above answers and looking at other stackoverflow questions, I figured that 'pip-installed-packages' would not go in the same directory as 'conda-installed-packages'. Typically, pip-instlled go to C:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages while conda-installed go to C:\Anaconda3\pkgs.

I removed manually the 'pandas' folder from C:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages, but for some reason, Python was unable to find the remaining conda-installed pandas package even after I added 'C:\Anaconda3\pkgs' to the PATH

Eventually I went for an ad-hoc hardcode to the PATH an added 'C:\Anaconda3\pkgs\pandas-0.18.1-np110py35_0\Lib\site-packages' to the PATH and it worked (for this package at least)

What I don't explain to myself is how python manages to find other conda-installed packages (packages for which there is no "specific" path hardcoded as I've done for pandas.


I had exactly the same problem. I discovered that pandas was not only installed in the two folders indicated by JB Lepetit, but also in "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages". It was here where the version of pandas was being taken. The problem was solved by simply erasing the pandas folder from here. Hope this helps.