
So I'm using firebase storage to upload my website files. Here is an example of the directory structure:

├── index.html
├── css
│   └── style.css
└── js
    └── mainScript.js

So I'm uploading these files to firebase in this structure, but I notice that the downloadURL that's returned is not very friendly in preserving this structure..

For example, when I set the src of an iframe to the downloadURL for the index.html.. the iframe page is missing the style and mainScript files.

This is how the downloadURL looks for index.html:


This is how the downloadURL looks for style.css:

https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/App_ID.appspot.com/o/css%2Fstyle.css?alt=media&token=some_uid etc..

Of course the index.html file is looking for the style.css file at:


but results in 404.

Is there a way around this problem?

PS, Of course I don't want to force the user to change the urls in their files...

I am in the very same situation, wanting to upload a Unity WebGL game into storage and loading it into an iFrame, but because of this weird URL random generation, file tree is broken and the iFrame cannot load. It's a pity since AWS allows thats properly for ages. Have you figured a solution ?Kamalen

1 Answers


Don't use the storage to save your website files! Use Firebase hosting instead ... Firebase storage is designed for storing upload/download files (image, audio, etc.)
