I'm using Oracle APEX v4.2 with Oracle 11g R2 DB and IE11 browser.
I have a shuttle item within my page called P1_MY_SHUTTLE
that has some values on the left based on a LOV query, which is all good.
What I also have is the ability to let the user enter their value from a separate text field (P1_MY_VALUE)
with an "Add" button next to it.
So when the user enters their value and presses the "Add" button, I want this value to be added to the shuttle (right side).
I have a Dynamic Action click happening with the "Add" button that runs the following PL/SQL
if :P1_MY_VALUE is null then
:P1_MY_SHUTTLE := :P1_MY_SHUTTLE || ':' || :P1_MY_VALUE;
end if;
Now, this all works fine as I have the values in session state but my problem is, I need to show these values within my P1_MY_SHUTTLE
to the user each time they press the "Add" button.
Unfortunately I can't refresh the shuttle item using a DA Refresh as this doesn't work but if I perform a full page refresh (F5), the results in session are then displayed.
How can I show the results without performing a full page refresh? I basically need to show the values in session state after each click of the "Add" button.