
I am fairly new to APEX and need some help please. I am running Apex 4.1 on 11g database.

I have check box field P6_LOCATION, with list of locations and there is dynamic action assigned to field. Dynamic action on click should refresh shuttle with list of properties from selected locations ( it can be one or many). So I can see that on click shuttle 'blinks' as if it refreshed however it does not change number of elements displayed. If I submit page however, shuttle displays different (updated) number of elements. Shuttle code :

 SELECT name||' '||NEIGHBOURHOOD,property_id 

FROM property_table


instr(':'||:P6_location||':',':'||to_number(location)||':') > 0

This code does work however not when I am calling it. From session point of view I can see that P6_LOCATION value is changing...

Any help, guidance greatly appreciated.

I ended up adding button to partially refresh page. As this is not ideal solution if you know how this can be achieved better please I am still interested.Jestem_z_Kozanowa

1 Answers


The problem might be that although the shuttle refreshes it does not "know" the new checkbox value and thus refreshes with the same selection.

Here is a discussion that seems to handle the same issue: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2171164&start=0&tstart=0

Not sure if you find an answer in that thread.