
This may be a trivial question but the following articles suggest that I can only upload AppxUpload for the Windows 10/UWP applications to the Windows Store.



I know that I can sideload applications on to my Windows Phone using the generated Appx or AppxBundle but my question is that can I upload appxbundle for Windows 10/UWP applications to the store ?

I tried uploading AppxBundle for my UWP Application but I get the following error:

enter image description here

where as when I use Appxupload, the store accepts it and there is no issue. But we want to upload AppxBundle (in any case). Please guide for the same.



1 Answers


According to this article, you should use the .appxupload file, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh454036.aspx

I was able to upload the .appxbounle package to the Windows 8.1 Store, I'm not sure what if it's been removed or not... you could try to turn on/off the .NET Native compiler and then upload the bundle package.. (Your project properties > Build > Use .Net Native tool chain)