I am trying to extract some specific data from a text in Google Spreadsheet but I am having a problem getting exactly the data I want.
The text I am trying to extract is as follow:
"<strong>Title -</strong> Round and Round
<strong><br><br>Artist -</strong> Laurie Lipton
<strong><br><br>Type -</strong> Print
<strong><br><br>Size -</strong> 18,3 x 23,5 in (46,5 x 59,7 cm)
<strong><br><br>Medium - </strong> Lithograph
<strong><br><br>Year -</strong> 2014
<strong><br><br>Condition -</strong> Excellent
I can use the formula that @soup gave me, but even in this case it doesn't extract the numbers fully when there are digits. If I have 13.5 x 14.35, I have a cell that displays 13 and the other one 5.
The formula is as follow:
=arrayformula(value(regexextract(A68, "([\d.]+)\D*([\d.]+)")))