I have a form connected to Google Sheets which is populating a dynamic matrix into a single column per row for a customer claim. E.g. one customer claim by PO number for a number of products (containing SKU name, article number, UoM, quantity)
I want to split out each item by customer, PO number and reason for claim (see desired outcome tab in spreadsheet) like this enter image description here
The formula I am trying to use split the products removing the text before is =(IFERROR(ArrayFormula(((REGEXEXTRACT(F2,": (.+)"))SPLIT(E2:E, ",")), " ")))
I still haven't worked out how transpose into a new table format. Any help much appreciated :)
=ArrayFormula(query(split(transpose(split(Join(char(10);E2:E);char (10)));",:");"select Col2,Col4,Col6,Col8"))
– Sergey