I am building an integration between my organization back-end systems and BOX.
One of the scenarios is that when certain event is happening inside my organization there is a need to create a folder in BOX and add collaboration objects to that folder (connect groups to the folder).
I have no problem to create the folder but when trying to create the collaboration I am getting the following error:
Box.V2.Exceptions.BoxException: Bearer realm="Service", error="insufficient_scope", error_description="The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token."
I am using BOX SDK for .Net to interact with BOX.
The application I created in BOX is assigned to use AppUser User Type and I provided all the scopes that BOX allows me (All scopes except "Manage enterprise" which is disabled).
The code that fails is (C#):
var privateKey = File.ReadAllText(Settings.JwtPrivateKeyFile);
var boxConfig = new BoxConfig(Settings.ClientID, Settings.ClientSecret, Settings.EnterpriseID, privateKey, Settings.JwtPrivateKeyPassword, Settings.JwtPublicKeyID);
var jwt = BoxJWTAuth(boxConfig);
var token = jwt.AdminToken();
var client = jwt.AdminClient(token);
var addRequest = new BoxCollaborationRequest(){
Item = new BoxRequestEntity() {
Id = folderId,
Type = BoxType.folder
AccessibleBy = new BoxCollaborationUserRequest(){
Type = BoxType.@group,
Id = groupId
Role = "viewer"
var api = client.CollaborationsManager;
var task = api.AddCollaborationAsync(addRequest);
When running this code but replacing the Admin Token with Developer Token generated from the Box Applicaiton Edit Page it works.
Any help is appreciated