I was trying to make Box Enterprise API work using As-User. I have a admin account which i used to try to retrieve the Contents in a sub account.
I first used the admin account to retrieve the User ID of the sub account. And added the User ID as a field "As-User: ########". However, I was returned with a reply of 403.
The error message : "The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token."
I am using the access token i had used to retrieve the user list. Do I have to get a new access token using the as the new user? or is the admin access token fine?
GET /2.0/folders/0/items HTTP/1.1\r
Host: api.box.com\r
Authorization: Bearer #######################\r
As-User: ########\r
Connection: close\r
The access code is the same access code used to retrieve the user list /user
All the scopes has been checked