
My team recently linked our google analytics premium account with our double click for publishers account. Now when I go to the google analytics website, I can create a report and get the following metrics per page:

DFP Revenue Publisher Revenue DFP Backfill Revenue AdX Revenue

The issue is that I want to consume this data via the reporting API. I see that I can use the metric "ga:adxRevenue" to get the AdX Revenue. My question is, how can I get the other 3 types of revenue from the reporting API? I experimented by trying "ga:dfpRevenue" but got the following error:

GOOGLE ANALYTICS FAIL: Error calling GET https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/data/ga?ids=ga%[id purposefully left out]&start-date=2016-06-03&end-date=2016-06-03&metrics=ga%3Apageviews%2Cga%3AuniquePageviews%2Cga%3Asessions%2Cga%3AadxRevenue%2Cga%3AdfpRevenue&dimensions=ga%3Adate%2Cga%3ApagePath&start-index=1&max-results=10000&sort=-ga%3Apageviews&filters=ga%3ApagePath%3D%7E%2Fnews%2F%7C%2Flists: (400) Unknown metric(s): ga:dfpRevenue

What metrics do I need to use to get this to work?



You need to simultaneously query the campaign and analytics and cross compare both to get your desired value.Gokigooooks

1 Answers


It looks like that metric is currently not supported.

  • See the dimensions and metric explorer for the complete list of supported dimensions and metrics.
  • Your application can always subscribe to the Metadata API to stay up to date with the latest dimensions and metrics.