I recently have been messing around with scheme for the first time in years. I'm using repl.it to play around a bit. I wrote this basic function to take a list and return a doubly-linked list. Each cell of the list is a pair whose car is the list element and whose cdr is a pair with the previous element in car and the next element in cdr. The first and last elements have null as the previous and next item, respectively. I wrote the function to be tail recursive. I know now that scheme actually does have looping syntax, but I was under the impression when I wrote it that the only way to loop in scheme was with tail recursion. My code is as follows:
(define (dbllink li)
(letrec ((step (lambda (lis prev head)
(if (null? lis)
(let ((cell (cons (car lis)
(cons prev '()))))
(if (null? prev)
(step (cdr lis);<--recursive call
(begin (set-cdr! (cdr prev)
(step (cdr lis);<--recursive call
head ))))))))
(step li '() '())))
I marked what I believe to be the only two recursive calls. They both seem to me to be in tail context, according to R6RS, yet calling the function causes a stack overflow. Any Ideas as to why?