I am trying to write a solution for AdventCode day 6 in Prolog. (http://adventofcode.com/day/6)
Previously I wrote a solution that dynamically created and replaced predicates, to keep track of the lights. Unsurprisingly, it's rather slow, so I decided to try and write it using a more "functional" style; i.e. create a list containing all the lights, then manipulate that list.
I am trying to construct the initial list, which would consist of a million elements, each a term light(X, Y, Status)
. I figured I'd start with a list [light(0, 0, off)]
, then prepend new terms to it. To do this, I look at the first element of the list, then determine what the next element should be, then prepend that. Repeat.
I have a predicate next_light/2
which takes a light and determines what the next light (to be prepended) should be. If no more lights need to be added, it returns done
next_light(light(X, Y, _), NextLight) :-
X < 999,
NextX is X + 1,
NextLight = light(NextX, Y, off).
next_light(light(999, Y, _), NextLight) :-
Y < 999,
NextY is Y + 1,
NextLight = light(0, NextY, off).
next_light(light(999, 999, _), done).
Then I attempt to construct the list with this code:
init_lights(Lights) :-
gen_lights([light(0, 0, off)], Lights).
gen_lights(Lights, AllLights) :-
[Light|_] = Lights,
next_light(Light, NextLight),
add_light(Lights, NextLight, AllLights).
add_light(Lights, done, Lights).
add_light(Lights, NextLight, AllLights) :-
gen_lights([NextLight|Lights], AllLights).
However, when I run init_lights(L)
in SWI-Prolog, I get "ERROR: Out of local stack". So there's a stack overflow, but when I look at the code, it looks tail recursive to me. add_light
and gen_lights
are mutually recursive; not sure if that is a problem.
I tried inspecting the calls with the debugger, but apparently SWI-Prolog turns off tail call optimization when using trace
, so that was no help.
(For the record, when I changed the code to use 3 rather than 999 as the maximum coordinate, init_lights(L)
seemed to produce the correct list, and didn't hang or cause a stack overflow.)
I'm probably overlooking something, but I am not seeing it. Any tips welcome! ^_^