I've been running U-SQL jobs on Azure Data Lake that update partitioned tables and they run successfully, but fail at the "Finalizing" phase with the error "JM_FinalMetadataOperationUserError", the stack trace is as follows:
Object ec2d8ab3-6df5-48eb-9169-daec48bf27a6.DeployedLogs.dbo.ConcurrentRecord__1__System.DateTime.FromBinary
(5246322962427387904 /* 2012-02-01T12:00:00.0000000Z */)
already exists at Scope.MetadataService.Client.WcfBasedMetadataClient.ExecuteMetadataJob(MetadataJob mdJob)
at MetaDataExecutor.RealMetaDataExecutor.Execute(MetadataJob job)
at MetaDataExecutor.Committer.Commit(MetadataJob job)
The error message states:
Failed to write job meta-data due to user error
What can cause this problem? Is it due to the values being added/truncated from the table?
Would appreciate the help.