I need to write SQL query that will give me all the fiscal years going forward 10/01/2015. So for now it should return 2016, after 10/01/2016, the query should return 2016, 2017. Same as after 10/01/2017, the query should return 2016,2017, 2018. I am having tough time coming up with any logic for this Query.I need to put the query as a parameter for SSRS report. Any help is appreciated. Thank you so much
2 Answers
So this is what I came up with based on Mo's Suggestion.
declare @curMonth int
set @curMonth = datepart(month, getdate());
with cte(YR)
as(select cast('10/1/2016' as date) as YR
union all
Select dateadd(year, 1, YR)
from cte
where YR < case
when @curmonth >= 10
then dateadd(year, 1, getdate())
else cast(getdate() as date)
select datepart(year,YR) as YR from cte;
Thank you Mo2 and John Cappeliti for your answers.