Thanks to the major update in Firebase, I'm switching the image hosting for my app from AWS to the now included GS Storage in Firebase. I've already imported all necessary pods, this app already do successfully upload images to assigned buckets, but the problem is when I want to download to memory images stored, and the app is crashing, debugging I found the following error in my FIRStorageReference object: "use of undeclared type 'FirebaseStorage'" I'm importing the Firebase header to the VC where the function is located.
func getImage(imageName: String) -> UIImage {
let imageRef = kBucketRef.child(imageName)
var imageData: NSData?
var image: UIImage?
imageRef.dataWithMaxSize(200 * 1024) { (data, error) -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
imageData = data
image = UIImage(data: imageData!)
} else {
return image!
later when trying to display image in: image.image = getImage(imageName) is called it throws the mentioned error in return image!
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
Printing description of imageRef: expression produced error: /var/folders/9q/g2rz2_hj15548cf15yrxz37c0000gn/T/lldb/1645/expr11.swift:1:46: error: use of undeclared type 'FirebaseStorage' $__lldb__DumpForDebugger(Swift.UnsafePointer< FirebaseStorage.FIRStorageReference >(bitPattern: 0x11d028fa0).memory) ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /var/folders/9q/g2rz2_hj15548cf15yrxz37c0000gn/T/lldb/1645/expr11.swift:1:45: note: while parsing this '<' as a type parameter bracket $__lldb__DumpForDebugger(Swift.UnsafePointer(bitPattern: 0x11d028fa0).memory)
The output from 'print(imageRef)' prints the GS reference (gs://project-xxxxxx...) but the '.dataWithMaxSize()' fails
Thanks in advance
(days later) Ok, here is a workaround since the FIRStorage methods are not modifying vars in a separated function for later return:
let bucket: String = "gs://"
func getImage() {
let storage =
let storageRef = storage.referenceForURL(bucket)
let path = storageRef.child("photo.jpg")
path.dataWithMaxSize(1024 * 1024) { (data, error) in
if (error != nil) {
} else {
self.imageView.image = UIImage(data: data!)
Now getImage it's a void function, but it works