I start to learn neo4j. I am using the graph
and I have a problem. I do not know how to get all the connections from Darjeeling
to Sandakphu
. All queries return invalid input or no rows.
Could anyone see how should be build correct query?
1)This is correct
MATCH (p:peak{name:'Sandakphu'})-[r:twowheeler*]-(t:town{name:'Rimbik'}) return distinct(r)
What's wrong with this one if I want all routes
MATCH (p:peak{name:'Sandakphu'})-[r:*]-(t:town{name:'Darjeeling'}) return distinct(r)
2) This is correct
MATCH (a:village { name: 'Sirikhola' }),(b:village{ name: 'Gurdum' }) MATCH (a)-[r]->(b) RETURN r
With this
MATCH (a:village { name: 'Sirikhola' }),(b:town{ name: 'Darjeeling' }) MATCH (a)-[r]->(b) RETURN r
i have no rows