I am using neo4j to solve a realtime normalization problem. Lets say I have 3 places from 2 different sources. 1 source 45
gives me 2 places that are in-fact duplicates of each other, and 1 source 55
gives me 1 correct identifier. However, for any place identifier (duplicate or not), I want to find the closest set of places that are unique by a feed identifier. My data looks like so:
CREATE (a: Place {feedId:45, placeId: 123, name:"Empire State", address: "350 5th Ave", city: "New York", state: "NY", zip: "10118" })
CREATE (b: Place {feedId:45, placeId: 456, name:"Empire State Building", address: "350 5th Ave", city: "New York", state: "NY"})
CREATE (c: Place {feedId:55, placeId: 789, name:"Empire State", address: "350 5th Ave", city: "New York", state: "NY", zip: "10118"})
I have connected these nodes by Matching nodes so I can do some normalization on the data. For instance:
MERGE (m1: Matching:NameAndCity { attr: "EmpireStateBuildingNewYork", cost: 5.0 })
MERGE (a)-[:MATCHES]-(m1)
MERGE (b)-[:MATCHES]-(m1)
MERGE (c)-[:MATCHES]-(m1)
MERGE (m2: Matching:CityAndZip { attr: "NewYork10118", cost: 7.0 })
MERGE (a)-[:MATCHES]-(m2)
MERGE (c)-[:MATCHES]-(m2)
When I want to find what are the closest matches from a start place id, I can run a match on all paths from the start node, ranked by cost, ie:
MATCH p=(a:Place {placeId:789, feedId:55})-[*..4]-(d:Place)
WHERE NONE (n IN nodes(p)
WHERE size(filter(x IN nodes(p)
WHERE n = x))> 1)
reduce(costAccum = 0, n in filter(n in nodes(p) where has(n.cost)) | costAccum+n.cost) AS costAccum
order by costAccum
RETURN p, costAccum
However, as there are multiple paths to the same places, I get the same node replicated multiple times when querying like this. Is it possible to collect the nodes and their costs, and then only return a distinct subset (for e.g., give me the best result from feed 45
and 55
How could I return a distinct set of paths, ranked by cost, and unique by the feed identifier? Am I structuring this type of problem wrong?
Please help!